This circuit is Thermocouple Temperature controller display by seven segments. can control both COLD level and HOT level in on set up. No need to switch the switch between HOT and COLD.
Technical information:
- Require Power Supply 12V / 200mA
- 4 Digit Seven Segments to 0.5" seven segment display the temperature.
- Use Micro Controller CY8C27443
- Temperature Range -20 to + +999'c
- Thermocouple sensor type J or K, select type by jumper on board
- Resolution 1'C of display , accuracy +4 / - 4 'C
- PCB size 6.0cm x 9.0cm x 4.5cm ( H )
- Keep setting Temperature in EEPROM , don't worry about electrical power off. setting Temp. will be reload when electrical power on.
- 2 Setting Temperature, Lower Temp and Upper Temp . If Temperature is lower than lower Temp setting, relay will turn on and if the temperature is more than upper temp setting, relay will turn off
- Relay 10A 220VAC both NC / NO connector
- NO is for the heater and NC for air compressor / Cooling.
Note: No thermocouple and power supply in the package, user can find the sensor in ebay market or other , can use both Thermocouple type J and K
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