This board is 15W Mono Power Amplifier with tone control for teacher to use to teach the student in big room. You can connect Dynamic Microphone to this board or line in to send sound signal from TV or DVD player / VDO .
Technical information
- Power Supply 12VDC or battery or adapter ( not including in the package ) at least 1A
- MIC INPUT for dynamic MIC , Line in L/R
- Selector switch to switch between MIC and Line In
- Volume to control the level of MIC
- Main Volume / Treble Volume / BASS Volume
- THD 0.1% at 1W 4 Ohm
- Power Amp IC TDA2004 Bridge Amplifier
- PCB size : 2.31" x 4.10" x 1.5"( High )
- All module is tested again before shipping.
- Comes with the schematic and diagram how to connect